Please complete the order form selecting all the options you wish to order. Once the form is complete, you will be able to check out, generate an order summary you can print with instructions on how to pay by US$ check or money order, or pay by credit card or PayPal online.
If you have any questions about your order, please complete as much as you can, press save and then send your query to support. Please do not check out until your query has been addressed.
To create a new order enter your email address:
Global Sponsor: $50,000
Platinum Sponsor: $20,000
Gold Sponsor: $15,000
Silver Sponsor: $10,000
Bronze Sponsor: $5,000
International Scholarship Sponsor: $2,500
Booth Reservation
Single 8' x 10' Booth: $3,500
Double 8' x 20' Booth: $5,000
Quad 16' x 20' Booth: $7,500
Back Cover (color): available with sponsorship
Inside Front Cover (color): available with sponsorship
Inside Back Cover (color): available with sponsorship
Full Page: $1,200
Half Page: $700
Quarter Page: $400
Registration Packet Inserts: $250
Staff Registration
Each Exhibitor (firm) is entitled to one full conference registration. Exhibitors may purchase three additional full conference registrations at $400 each per 8x10 space and three Exhibit Hall only staff for free.
If you wish to bring additional staff please email us for pricing.
Full Conference Registration: $0
Full Conference Registration: $400
Full Conference Registration: $400
Full Conference Registration: $400
Exhibit Hall Registration: $0
Exhibit Hall Registration: $0
Exhibit Hall Registration: $0