How-to: Web writing for museums

Friday, April 05, 2019: 3:00pm - 3:50pm
Republic Ballroom AB

Web writing for museums: Analyzing principles and best writing practices for digital media through the “Wise Stones (Pedras Sabidas) Accessible Circuit” case study
- Ana Cecília Rocha Veiga, UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais State , Brazil
In this work we want to discuss writing in museums, starting from digital support, both for the web and for interactive interfaces. We created writing guidelines based on new web writing techniques and current demands. As an example of our reflections, we intend to study the case of the project “Wise Stones Interactive Interface Accessible Circuit,” exposed at the MM Gerdau-Mines and Metal Museum (Brazil). This project received an award from the Ibermuseums Program in 2016. This is a proposal of web writing principles for museums, encompassing the best writing practices for social media and for the web, without giving up the sophistication and depth required by museum communication, thus fulfilling our museums’ social function.